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Silver medal Thomas the Apostle - stand

Hersteller:Tschechische Münzprägestätte
Silber Feingehalt:Ag 999/1000
Gewicht:13 g
Durchmesser:28 mm
Qualität:Unzirkuliert (St)
Auflage (Stk.):500
Verpackung:Geschenk-Kassette, Zertifikat
Unser Preis:€ 45,81 inkl. MwSt
Verfügbarkeit:auf Anfrage
The Christian faith has shaped our civilization, has become one of the pillars of European society, and the deeds of Jesus Christ have moved the world even after two millennia. Equally important are his disciples who have proclaimed the gospel and laid the foundations of the Christian Church. We know them as twelve apostles. The eighth issue from a dozen silver commemorative medals of the Czech Mint is dedicated to St. Thomas.

Biblical Thomas came from a poor family and it is likely that Matthew another of the twelve apostles was his twin brother. He was originally a builder and bricklayer, but then he decided to dedicate his life to the faith and became a faithful follower of Jesus. Nevertheless, he entered the history as atheist Thomas. He refused to believe after Jesus' death that his crucified mentor had returned among the living. He trusted it in the moment he saw him with his own eyes and touched his wounds. He was trying to correct his wailing in faith till the end of his life and preached with extraordinary ardour in far India, where he turned the king and the common people to the faith. Eventually, he died with martyrdom when the pagan priests stabbed him with a lance. Saint Thomas is still an archetype of the believer, who resists skepticism and is tempted by distrust.

Talented medalmaker Lenka Nebeska, DiS. dedicated the obverse side to the semi-structured apostle, who holds his characteristic attributes, which are the spear (the symbol of his martyr's death) and the architectural angle (symbol of his original profession). The reverse side of the medal then captures the iconic scene where Tomas, surrounded by other apostles, puts his fingers in the wound at the side of the resurrected Christ and finds faith again.

The silver medal is not just an addition to the collection. It will become a lucky talisman for all architects, builders, geometry, carpenters, bricklayers, stonecutters and construction workers, whom St. Thomas is a patron of.

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