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Silver coin Mythical Creatures - Pegasus - proof

Hersteller:Tschechische Münzprägestätte
Nennwert:2 NZD
Silber Feingehalt:Ag 999/1000
Gewicht:3,11 g
Durchmesser:37 mm
Qualität:Polierte Platte
Auflage (Stk.): 1000 ks
Verpackung:Geschenk-Kassette, Zertifikat
Preis:vyprodáno / sold
Mythical Creatures

The eleventh silver coin of the Czech Mint from the Mythical Creatures series is dedicated to Pegasus.

According to ancient Greek legends, the brave recusant Perseus clashed with a number of mythical creatures. One of them was Medusa, an evil Gorgon with snakes for hair who turned everyone who laid eyes on her to stone. After Perseus cut off her head, a son named Pegasus sprang from her body. It's a wonder the monstrous woman gave birth to a beautiful offspring in the form of a winged horse. What's more, Pegasus was also kind and noble unlike his mother. All his life he helped sick children, served the Muses, accompanied famous heroes and protected all living. His wings allowed him to fly as fast as the wind and reach the gods, who sat atop Olympus. Therefore, a winged white man became the personification of freedom and liberty...

The medal maker Asamat Baltaev, DiS., placed a rearing steed on the reverse side of the coin, supplemented with the English inscription PEGASUS. Moreover, the mintage does not have a classic coin frame - instead, the relief is surrounded by decorative Hellenistic ornaments that permeate the entire collecting cycle. As the coins of the Czech Mint are issued with a foreign licence from the island of Niue, they bear the portrait and name of Queen Elizabeth II on the obverse side, the nominal value of 2 DOLLARS (NZD) and the year of issue 2022.

You can store the complete collection of twelve mythological coins in a collector's album that you can also find in the offer of the Czech Mint.

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