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Happy Birthday - Grapevine - Proof

Hersteller:Tschechische Münzprägestätte
Herstellers Kode:31482-721
Silber Feingehalt:Ag 999/1000
Gewicht:42 g
Durchmesser:50 mm
Qualität:Polierte Platte
Verpackung:Kapsel, Münzetui, Zertifikat
Unser Preis:€ 95,35 inkl. MwSt
Verfügbarkeit:auf Anfrage

It is said that a good human matures like wine. The Czech Mint issued a silver commemorative medal for those who want to wish a good person all the best for birthday in an original but traditional way.

The history of human civilization relates to the history of a grapevine. There is a potion refreshing a soul already in the Sumerian epic about Gilgamesh which is the oldest literary work. The wine plays an irreplaceable role and is the subject of many parables in later cultures of Hellenism, Judaism, and Christianity. In ancient times wine was compared to the herb of life, a symbol of immortality and eternal youth, or a mystical tree of knowledge that reveals the mystery of the soul. The Israeli study sees wisdom in wine, even the Latin saying says you can find the true in the wine. Christianity associates the wine with blood - the essence of human being. However, wine is mainly associated with the comfort and good mood, but also with luxury and the celebration of important moments.

The obverse side of the gift coin was made by the medal maker MgA. Tereza Eisner. It bears a composition of glasses, grapes and vine leaves. The reverse side follows the obverse side and is dominated by the inscription GOOD HUMAN MATURES LIKE WINE.

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